PLA responds to Justice Committee inquiry into the prison operational workforce
The PLA has responded to a recent MoJ inquiry into the prison workforce, highlighting the impact of prison officer shortages on education.
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The PLA has responded to a recent MoJ inquiry into the prison workforce, highlighting the impact of prison officer shortages on education.
The Prisoner Learning Alliance (PLA) written response to the Prisons Strategy White Paper is the conclusion of conversations with our members, including prison educators and people with lived experience of prison. We are grateful to each contributor for your ideas, and we will be working hard to try and make them happen. Prisoners are […]
In March this year, the House of Lords Youth Unemployment Committee launched a call for evidence for its inquiry into the available and essential education and skills for people aged 16 to 24 in England. At PLA, we used our collective voice to advocate for those in, and leaving, custody. The report by the Youth […]
In our submission we argue that progress on reducing the women’s prison population is glacial. Although there is a massive amount of evidence and significant agreement about what reduces women’s offending, this is not being translated into policy or practice. Real progress requires leadership, political will and significant investment. We outline the need for better […]
This week, Francesca Cooney, who coordinates the Secretariat for the Prisoner Learning Alliance, gave evidence to the Education Select Committee in response to their inquiry, ‘Education: Are prisoners being left behind?‘. Key areas of questioning included: access to digital technology; allocations and attendance; incentivising education; and delivering higher level qualifications. Francesca’s responses […]
In January, the PLA submitted evidence to the Education Select Committee’s inquiry into prison education. Here, we take a look at our key points.
In our evidence, we highlight the educational needs of the prison population and how stronger links with community-based adult education would be beneficial for everyone. We believe that prison education should be looked at in the broader context of adult education and lifelong learning.
The Education Select Committee are running an inquiry – are prisoners being left behind? Find out more and get involved here.
In September this year, the Prisoner Learning Alliance submitted evidence to the Joint Committee on Human Rights’ inquiry into black people, racism and human rights.
We believe that education is a human right to which all people are entitled, regardless of age or sociocultural background, which is why we recently submitted evidence on education in prison during lockdown.
© Prisoner Learning Alliance 2025