PLA Submits Young Learners Education Evidence to the Education Select Committee

Home > PLA Submits Young Learners Education Evidence to the Education Select Committee

Prisoner Learning Alliance | 24 June 2020

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In May, the PLA submitted written evidence to the Education Select Committee on the impact of Covid-19 on education and children’s services. Our key points are summarised below:

  • Even before Covid, prison education has been a neglected area of provision, with inadequate and diminishing support.
  • Lockdown has stopped all face-to-face teaching in prisons as education providers have not been classified as keyworkers and prisoners have no access to online education.
  • The lockdown has highlighted the potential for digital communication, including on-line learning.
  • Improving digital access was already the PLA’s top priority, and remains so.
  • Specific groups are particularly affected by the current lockdown: these include children, young adults, learners with additional needs and learners who are shielding
  • The arts and literacy sectors who usually provide support to prisoners have been unable to, and Covid has multiplied the difficulties experienced by small providers and created difficulties for the core PEF providers.
  • We have ongoing concerns about the ongoing situation regarding access to education in prisons as we expect restrictions to be in place for a significant period.

You can read our full submission and recommendations here:

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