TheĀ Prisoner Learning Alliance is committed to providing a website that is as accessible as possible. Wherever possible, we have designed our website to meet level AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1).
The steps we have taken to ensure accessibility are detailed below.
We have one set of pages for the whole site, which we aim to make accessible to all. We do not separate accessible and less accessible pages into separate sections.
A link to a site map can be found at the footer of every page, which shows the organisation of the whole site.
We have ensured that the website colour scheme is high contrast and where possible. Every colour and colour scheme on the website has been tested to ensure it meets the WCAG 2 level AA compliance.
Links are displayed in a bold colour and font weight.
Where possible, all images used for non-aesthetic reasons have descriptive alternative text.
We have not included any flashing visuals.
We aim to use clear, plain English in a concise and meaningful way.
We have ensured that the way the site is built will allow for screen readers to pick up and narrate the site.
Text size can be increased or decreased in your browser by following these steps:
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Choose the drop down menu at the top of the window of the browser marked “view”
A list of options will appear in the drop down menu, choose “text size”
Next another drop down menu should appear with options including “small”, “medium”, “large”, “largest”
Select “largest”.
Mozilla Firefox
Hold down the Ctrl button on your keyboard and press the plus (+) key
You will find that this will enlarge the text, to enlarge again repeat the procedure
Keep repeating until the text is enlarged to your requirements If you need to make the text smaller press Ctrl on your keyboard and the minus ( – ) key
Apple Safari
Hold down the Apple Key and press the (+) key
You will find that this will enlarge the text, to enlarge again repeat the procedure
Keep repeating until the text is enlarged to your requirements
If you need to make the text smaller press the Apple Key on your keyboard and press the (-) key
Google Chrome
Click the ‘Customise and Control’ spanner symbol in the top right hand corner (Alt + E).
Select ‘Settings’ (‘Preferences’ on Mac and Linux)
Click on ‘Under the Bonnet’ and customise your fonts and font size in the ‘Web Content’ section
There will always be small differences in the display between browsers, but we do aim to broadly support:
More information on how to make your browsing experience easier is available for the BBC’s My Web My Way website. This includes advice and help for those who may benefit from making changes to their browser, operating system or computer to be able to view the web in a more accessible way.
We are keen to review and improve our accessibility. If you have any comments for improving our site please contact
© Prisoner Learning Alliance 2025