Monitoring Prison Education

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Since March 2020, in line with lockdown, there has been little face-to-face contact for prison learners; PLA has continued to monitor the impact of this transition on prison learners.

Since 2019, the majority of prison education has been delivered by contracts commissioned through the Prison Education Framework, designed by the Ministry of Justice and managed by prison governors. Four providers are commissioned to provide education in prisons across England, as outlined here. Education in Wales is provided by the prison service, however some subcontracted (private) Welsh prisons use private providers.


PLA work on monitoring and evaluating prison education includes:

  • Commissioning expert research which informs our policies, such as our 2020 publication, Leadership in Prison Education: Meeting the challenges of the new system.
  • Collaborating with network members to produce reports on the realities of prison education today, such as those with firsthand experience as teachers, governors and learners.
  • Creating accessible, interactive and informative events with sector experts, offering insights and perspectives on prison education policies and practices.

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