Cell-based prison education

Home > Our Work > Developing the Prison Education Curriculum > Cell-based prison education

Developed by Claire Collins for the Prisoner Learning Alliance, these materials focus on education approaches and resources that can be used by teachers to support cell-based prison education.

Initially developed as a response to lock down, in-cell resources are now a key strand of delivering prison education. Our new materials can be used individually or taken as a ‘course’ to help develop your practice.

By engaging with these materials, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Review some sample resources to identify their potential for independent, cell-based learning
  • Consider key features of sample resources that may benefit prison learners studying independently
  • Build up a list of effective practice features to help you develop, adapt, and choose resources and approaches for cell-based learning
  • Review action research carried out by prison teachers on the topic of cell-based learning



Part 1: Introduction

Background and learning context

Part 2: Examples and case studies

Example 1: Maths Cell Packs

Example 2: Work and training

Example 3: ESOL Nexus

Short reflection 1: effective practice list

Short reflection 2: effective practice list

Short reflection 3: effective practice list

Example 4: Starters and Enders

Part 3: Plenary

Bringing it all together

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